Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Tomayto, Tomahto

Cael: "Ouch. Right in the tentacles."

Mom: "Honey, you don't have any tentacles."

Cael: "Yes, I do. This girl's got nuts!"

Monday, March 21, 2011

No more talking

After tucking her *back* into bed...

Mom: "Good night. It time to go to sleep. No more talking."

Cael: "Okay..."

"...Good night..."

"...See you in the morning."

Mom: "Cael, that's 'talking.'"

Cael: "Okay. But I love you."

Mom: "I love you, too. No more talking."

Cael: "Okay. See you in the morning."

Mom: "Cael."

Cael: "Okay. But I love you."

Mom: "Stop talking." (walks downstairs)

Cael: "Okay..."



Mom (sternly): "O. KAY."

Cael: "Sorry...

"...See you in the morning."

Mom: "Argh."

Monday, March 14, 2011

Elbow Terminology

"It's not a 'funny bone.' They should call it a 'hurty bone.'"

Saturday, March 12, 2011


"My piggy is going to go visit the underworld. Not the real one; the pretend one. The pretend one has bugs and lots of dirt. The real one is the same as the pretend one."

Sunday, March 6, 2011


"Karate is when you jump off something or knock something down. And you have to yell 'Yaaaah!' when you jump off something. That's how you learn karate, and I teached you now."

After which she leaps from the couch with a shout, lands somewhat on her head and exclaims, "All part of the plan!"

Followed shortly thereafter by, "Well, more or less."


"I'm an orthodontist; a kind of a dog pet species."