Monday, July 15, 2013

Baby magnet

At a family party with many cousins: "Lots of babies have been messing with me today. I'm used to it, though, 'cause they're so cute."

Friday, March 2, 2012

That must be "old"

"I am little-aged, Aidan is middle-aged, and you and Daddy are big-aged."

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

It's right next door to "Triscuit Hut"™

"That looks like a lot of fun. Sometime for my birthday, can we go to Chucky Cheez-It's?"

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Picking the right role models

In class, after a moving story about Martin Luther King, Jr.:

"He sounds like a beautiful man. I wish he was still alive so we could be friends."

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Yeah but can he sing?

"My friend Jayden at dance class thought Justin Beaver was a real beaver."

I wonder if Jayden's seen this.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

On Holidays

Cael: "Tomorrow won't be Christmas anymore."
Mom: "Right."
Cael: "So what's next?"
Mom: "New Years."
Cael: "So that's St. Patrick's Day?"
Mom: "No, it's New Years."
Cael: "Is that when we eat dumplings?"
Mom: "Um, sure."
Cael: "Yum!"

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Dad: "I hear you've been really good at school."

Cael: "Yeah. I've been in trouble only a few times. Like maybe two or three. And then there's one more, and that makes four and that's it."

Thursday, August 18, 2011

More career choices

Mom: "What do you want to be when you grow up?"

Cael: "Let me think... ... ... I know, a farmer!"

Mom: "What are you going to grow on your farm?"

Cael: "You mean like animals?"

Mom: "Sure, animals or vegetables. What do you think?"

Cael: "Baby tigers. ... Baby piggies."

Mom: "Oh, careful! The baby tigers may want to eat the baby piggies."

Cael: "Not on my farm."

Mom: "Okay, what else?"

Cael: "Mice in a cage. Baby kitties. And baby puppies."

Mom: "That's wonderful! Where is your farm going to be? Iowa? Nebraska? Missouri?"

Cael: "Hmm... ... ... I know! NORTH AMERICA!"


"You knocked the words right out of my mouth!"